
How to shovel without getting hurt

Winter is dawning and so are the snowstorms, which means we'll get our shovels out and get to work. What people don't realize is that shoveling is quite a strenuous activity and it's not a usual activity, therefore very easy to get injured because our bodies are not used to these gestures nor the stamina and specific force. Our body is one that adapts. When we do a new activity we are often teased (even if we are fit people), why? The reason is simple; each new gesture causes our muscles to work differently which causes irritation, like starting a new bodybuilding program, the first sessions are horrible, it hurts everywhere. Go play soccer for fun and the next day you have trouble walking. You're not hurt, you're raved. If you do these activities more regularly your muscles will adapt and you won't have any more pain. Shoveling is the same, the first times are difficult, and what doesn't help is that shoveling is a heavy activity that can be very harmful for the lower back, especially since you never warm up before going. shovel, and you never stretch afterwards. So to avoid injury, you need to treat shoveling as a physical activity. Here are a few tips to get you ready for shoveling season.

1) A good warm-up
Shoveling uses several muscles including: arms, legs, upper back and lower back. Warming up with a brisk walk and some light stretching could save you from a lot of pain tomorrow.

2) Lift with your legs
Good technique is very important, especially if the snow is wet and heavy. Avoid lifting a shovel full of snow by using your back muscles. Instead, bend your knees and lift with your legs, keeping your back aligned, try to stand as straight as possible with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart.

3) Know your limits
Take it slow at first and take regular poses every 15-20 minutes. Stop, walk a little, stretch, drink a little hot chocolate. These frequent little breaks will give you time to regenerate and appreciate the time.

4) Use the right tools
One of the main concerns with shoveling is being bent forward with your back hunched. To avoid this, be sure to find a shovel that is the height and has an appropriate weight. This will prevent you from feeling the need to bend over too much.

5) Switch sides regularly
Like dribbling a basketball, people tend to favor one hand or side of their body when they're shoveling. To avoid using the same muscles to do the same movement over and over again, try switching sides every few minutes to avoid muscle fatigue.

6) Exercise regularly
People who exercise year-round are less likely to injure themselves while doing outdoor chores, as their muscles are more accustomed to physical activity.

7) Get treated regularly
It is important to get treated regularly. This accustoms our body to being relaxed and can prevent us from injury when doing tasks such as shoveling or gardening. Physical therapy and sports massage can help you find flexibility and maintain it. Osteopathy will realign you, acupuncture will help stabilize your energies, massage will help you relax. Don't wait to get hurt, but if you get hurt, know that we can help you too. Prevention and maintenance are the key to well-being.