
Because it’s health that counts!

A little lesson in traditional Chinese medicine or TCM…

There exists in traditional Chinese medicine a concept of "maintenance of the Jing or the Essence" which consists in preserving our vital reserves, by "nourishing the Kidneys (1)", the goal being to live as long as possible, and by health.

Jing is, according to TCM, an organic substance which allows humans to develop, grow, reproduce, have vitality... it is said that this substance evolves, in increments of 7 years in the women (for example menstruation which appears around 14 years old and menopause around 49 years old) vs. every 8 years in men. So Jing is gradually depleted, more or less quickly, over the course of life (exhaustion observable by the quality of tendons, bones, muscles, teeth, the shine of the face and hair, etc.)

There is a part of this Essence, called ancestral or innate, which is inherited from our parents at birth. We could see a certain link there

with our genetic background… The other part, also very important, is said to be acquired and it contributes to our daily activities. This acquired part is maintained by healthy lifestyle habits and particularly by our digestive and respiratory system (food and drink + air breathed). By analogy, we can see this Essence acquired as our Current account, at the bank, into which our pay is paid and from which we draw for our current expenses. In contrast, the Ancestral Essence would be our Savings account, which we try to improve without drawing too much from it…

Why talk about these notions today? Because according to TCM, it is said that the Essence is also the basis of our constitutional strength, of our ability to resist disease. To preserve our “innateness”, it is therefore important to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. For example, we must maintain a work-rest balance that takes into account our age, the season of the year, our current energy state, etc. It is also important to maintain a healthy emotional balance as much as possible. And if we seek to strengthen our "acquired", we will think of developing our ability to breathe well (in quantity and quality) and to optimize our eating habits (quality, regularity and atmosphere of meals).

Acupuncture is one of the therapeutic interventions used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the Kidney and its essences. Do not hesitate to make an appointment to deepen your knowledge in this area and to benefit from a personalized session, adapted to your needs.



Sophie Laverdière, Ac., M.Sc.A.
Kinesis Center: 450-672-4114
cell. 514-704-1730
or via Gorendezvous Kinesis

(*) The Kidney with a capital letter corresponds, in Chinese medicine, to a complex system comprising its anatomical reality (the kidney) but which is in energetic relation with various other components potentially observable on a daily basis. Thus, and it is very important to understand this, a problem related to the Kidney sphere does not automatically correspond to a kidney disorder.