My Plans 'A', 'B' & 'C'

Sometimes to survive challenges you have to have a plan A, a plan B and even a plan C.

By Sylvain Perron massage therapist


  We all experience various situations where we feel caught in the whirlwind of family and professional life without having to self-penalize if we wanted to initiate a real change in the pace of things around us. Sometimes hope lies in purchasing a lottery ticket that with luck could change everything with a single snap of the fingers. Unfortunately the odds are against us and the dream that things will finally change to our advantage are so small that reality catches up with us long before long.

Are there any solutions to all this? Well the answer is yes, you simply need to have another scenario or even several scenarios like this. We tell ourselves that my plan 'A' is the current situation to improve where we verbalize what is wrong by sharing it with others, at the risk of judgment, in other words we ask for help and listening to get through despite the negative effects that prevail. There's nothing better than a little pampering at the spa. Do yourself good and improve your quality of life for a moment, recharge your batteries to better progress on your main path, massage therapy is there for that.

But even better is to have at the same time a backup plan 'B' in case plan 'A' no longer meets our expectations. We keep an AS up our muted sleeve and which could take place at any time. But this requires patience and preparation time. We must stop telling ourselves that everything is already decided because of our age, our family situation or others, it is totally false. For example, you can follow part-time training to better position yourself on the job market or take some slack and undertake something that is diametrically different. Limits are often our own inner limits and our overly harsh judgment of ourselves. We advance our 'A', 'B' and 'C' pawns, one by one on the chessboard of life. The simple fact of knowing that we have multiple possibilities automatically gives us more self-confidence, because knowing that we do not have too far away, other alternative solutions that can be put forward at the right time.

We all experience problems with different situations but which are incredibly similar. We hear it during discussions with customers and we easily see ourselves through them. The thought that comes to us most often is to tell ourselves that we too had experienced this recently and curiously after say five years later, we all survived and got through the storm and we are on to something else now. . Tell yourself, my first tools are self-confidence, massage therapy, my new life options and a deep desire to live better.

“Today I initiated change by combining my plans 'B' and 'C', to replace my plan 'A' which was harmful to my quality of life and I am very happy about it”