
Osteopathy is a Natural Complementary Medicine based on in-depth knowledge of the anatomy, biomechanics and physiology of the human body. The osteopath aims to treat the causes of pain and functional disorders in order to restore balance in the body to promote optimal health in people of all ages.

Osteopathic treatment is unique to each person. The osteopath takes into account the whole of each individual and seeks to identify the cause or causes of his symptoms. The practitioner does not treat the disease, but the person. With his osteopathic vision, he emphasizes the health and recovery of people so that they can have the strength to maintain their state of health independently.


      In his practice, when the patient's condition exceeds his ability and understanding, the osteopath does not hesitate to refer to a doctor or any other health professional. Osteopathic treatment begins with a complete anamnesis, which covers the health history, associated conditions, symptoms and traumas that the patient may have experienced in his life. Then, the osteopath carries out an evaluation of the posture as well as a biomechanical evaluation of the movements. He performs tests to determine the positioning, mobility and vitality of all body structures. Overall, the osteopath uses precise, gentle and safe manual adjustment techniques to restore optimal mobility to bones, muscles, fascias, nerves and organs. The techniques used are intended to allow the structures to perform their natural function.

For who ?

General population

This preventive as well as curative approach is appropriate for the majority of conditions and for all ages. Here are the benefits of osteopathy:

  • Musculoskeletal pain (acute or chronic)
    • Tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis
    • Back and neck pain (herniated disc, low back pain, sprain, sciatica, neck pain)
    • Hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, neck, jaw pain (ATM)
    • Promote and accelerate the healing of injuries (following a fracture, an accident or a sprain)
    • Maintain good physical and mental health
    •  Addresses general disorders
      • Headache, migraine, neuralgia
      • Fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression (improved hormonal function)
      • Addresses visceral functioning (respiratory, cardiac, digestive, gynecological, urological)

child and adolescent

The osteopath assists them and ensures their healthy growth by allowing their bodies to move and live without problems. The osteopath can help children following a fall, a bad virus, pain in the knee, neck or elsewhere by acting gently to relieve sore areas.

Here are some other benefits of osteopathy:

  • Promotes the integration of orthodontic appliances
  • Addresses concentration difficulties
  • Addresses learning difficulties
  • Addresses anxiety difficulties

The baby

The osteopath helps the baby to overcome swallowing or breathing difficulties, stomach aches, crying attacks, earaches, flat head problems or problems that turn only on one side.

Here are some other benefits of osteopathy:

  • Facilitates breastfeeding
  • Facilitates digestion (reflux, colic, regurgitation, constipation)
  • motor development assistance
  • Facilitates sleep
  • Addresses cases of birth plagiocephaly and torticollis
  • Promotes the integration of childbirth and interventions

For the woman

During pregnancy or even after childbirth, a woman's body undergoes many rapid changes. Osteopathy offers follow-up before and after childbirth to ensure the flexibility and integrity of the pelvis and spine.

For women in general, osteopathy can help premenstrual syndromes as well as abdominal pain.

Here are other applications of osteopathy for women:

  • Addresses infertility issues
  • Menstrual pain
  • Addresses pre-menopause and menopause
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Preparation for childbirth
  • Pain in the coccyx and pubic symphysis,
  • Postpartum depression

For sportive people

Osteopathy is able to identify imbalances to treat or help the athlete in his recovery and in his performance.

  • Prevents and accelerates the healing of injuries due to impact forces or overuse
  • Concussion treatment
  • Treats symptoms of tendinitis, periostitis, plantar fasciitis, sprain, etc.


Composed by: Myriam Menard

Therapist who offers this service:

Myriam Menard,

Farah Belalia,

Jean-Francois Ladouceur