Kinesis at the Pierre Lavoie Challenge!

On the weekend of June 17 to 19, 2011, more than a thousand cyclists agreed to take up the Grand Défi Pierre-Lavoie. A bike route over a distance of more than 1000 km from Saguenay to Montreal with the aim of raising funds to fight against orphan diseases.

After a long wait under the sun in the heart of the La Ronde site on Ile Ste-Hélène, the cyclists finally arrived, exhausted, but happy to have taken up the challenge they had imposed on themselves. Among the crowd made up of children and families and friends of the cyclists, there were four massage therapists who are members of the Kinésis team.

Pierre Lavoie ChallengeTo thank them and to congratulate them for the efforts made during the three days of the Great Challenge and especially to relax the muscles oh! how much requested, Julie Holmes, Alexander Benjamin, Phiorina Soan and Nathalie Piché massaged the athletes for a few hours immediately after their arrival on site. On the menu: 15-minute recovery sports massage treatments to give athletes the chance to recover from the large number of hours of intense physical activity and the (too) few hours of sleep.

One thing is certain, it’s another challenge met brilliantly by the Kinésis team!

Pierre Lavoie Challenge